Wednesday, December 5, 2007

My Reflection for Today

1. The class discussed the findings on School A, B and C. It was reported that teachers in School A experienced high stress level and does not share the same vision with their principal. The principal believes that discipline and is results oriented. Some may view that his approach as not be providing a holistic education for the students but I believe he identified the need to regulate the behaviour for learning in his students as the first step in improving the school climate. Each school has its own student profile and needs. We cannot measure all schools with the same yardstick.

2. Today we used the SPSS to generate data on the survey we did yesterday. We also learned what is Cronvach's alpha and Paired-sample T-test. As a group, we had to write a report based on our mini research conducted in the class.

3. What is enriching about the course is to take a step back and reflect on the different types of learning environment to stimulate learning.

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