Tuesday, December 4, 2007

My Reflection for Today

Today, we learn more about characteristics about school learning environment by studying a case study in a group work. We studied a report on a school and identified what constitute positive and negative learning environment. We also had to support our findings with evidence. What was most striking in the case study is the role of a principal. The teachers in the school found the principal approachable, shows care and concern for her staff. Though the staff were found to have high work pressure, they did not perceive the pressure from the principal. It was more of their own instrinsic motivation to teach and deliver results as they felt that their students have the potential to do well. I find the principal is a good role model and value the contribution of her staff.

We also learnt about the SBSS instrument to analyse data collected. We completed a survey and compiled the data to be analysed. Through this exercise, I understand the importance of drafting questions and arranging them well in order to have accurate analysis.

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